Saturday, December 29, 2012

Fresh Snow On An Empty Trail

Very grateful for Saucony Kinvara TRs after running through fresh snow.

I did not run into another person while on the trail and the snow was deep which made it tough both which I like!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Marshall University Marathon

Considering on Wednesday I was unsure if I would even be able to start the Marshall University Marathon in Huntington Sunday because of my post tib tendonitis I will not complain with a 3:00:43 and 25th place. My ankle is very angry with me but I will be fine with some rest, ice, and lots of Advil. It might be time to retire that pair of Saucony Kinvaras after this plus who doesn't love new shoes!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Race Directors Race

Ran in the first annual Columbus Marathon "Race Directors Race" for our staff. It was not about time or place and there was only a handful of spectators (other staff) but it was nice to see all 26.2 miles of the course and spend time together before the crazy race week coming up.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sore Legs....

After finishing 18th overall yesterday at the Air Force Half Marathon and waking up with sore legs I decided to do the EAS 10 Miler instead of 20.

Managed to fight the aches for 2nd overall, now my legs are officially shot.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Air Force 14.1 Mile Half Marathon!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Working this weekend at the Lady Speed Stick Women's Half Marathon in Bloomington Minnestoa this weekend. 

Kinvaras got worked today, 15 miles early this morning. Then another 4 with Ryan Ritchie this afternoon. Time for food! Early morning tomorrow going to sleep well this evening.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Officially Tired

Pulled double duty today running 1:21:20 for 7th overall in the Ultrafit Columbus Half Marathon then rode support for my brother in his second day of the 180 mile Pelotonia ride for cancer research.

Looking forward to a relaxing evening!