Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Day!

No running for me today, it's all about the family! It's been a great year with some good races, lost of thrashed Saucony Kinvaras, looking forward to more in 2012! Enjoy your day today and be thankful!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

First Day of Snow!

First snowy run of this winter, kinda crazy considering it's the middle of December. Broke out the gray Saucony Kinvaras so I don't trash my brighter colors!
Now getting ready to go to Jason Marks's wedding, first day of first I was only kidding about the hell freezing over thing no I am starting to wonder.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Trail Run Kicked My A**

I am not usually a trail runner but decided to wander off the beaten path Saturday and ended up running 13 on a hilly dirt course. It was fun for something different but a killer workout! Props to anyone who trains like that on a regular basis. It also gave me a chance to break in my Saucony Razor 2.0 shoes I have been waiting to get out. Those things are built for cold weather and tough runs!

Friday, December 9, 2011

All Back To Normal!

After a week of being sick I finally managed to get a decent amount of mileage this week. A pretty normal week of running, biking, and lifting. It feels good to be back on my feet! It's starting to get cold which means it's time to break out the Saucony Razor's and other cold weather gear!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

I Hate Being Sick!

It was a long week and I am almost feeling back to normal after being sick all week. You know I am not feeling well when I barely get mileage in!
Today I managed to sneak in an hour bike ride before breakfast and I know my Saucony Kinvaras have been missing me so I decided to take them for a mid tempo 10 miler. It was a beautiful day here in Columbus, I don't know how many more of these we will get so I had to take advantage, not a bad start to the weekend!