Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wisdom Teeth Out!

On Wednesday I got all for of my wisdom teeth taken out. It was not fun, I did not go under just local anesthetic so the sounds were the worst part. Starting to get back on my feet and actually went for a run today, I felt fine until my jaw started to hurt around mile 9 and my energy was just not there which is no surprise since I have been living on liquid diet!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Beautiful Weather!

Loving this weather! Hammered out 17 yesterday in Saucony Kinvaras yesterday and 9 in Profiles today all in short sleeves and split shorts and it's only March! Spending the rest of the day hanging out with the family.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Great Run This Morning!

Every part of me wanted to stay in bed this morning but I peeled myself from the covers and headed out for my morning run. It's a good thing because I had an awesome 10 miler for breakfast , best run I have had in a while. Runs like that are what keep me coming back for more.